The Lessee will provide comprehensive insure for any Vehicle hired from the moment you take it until the time it is returned to us, and also complete an Insurance Indemnity Form. It is your responsibility to keep insurance valid and up to date at all times; this includes updating your insurance policy if an exchange or additional vehicle is supplied.The vehicle will remain on hire until is physically in our possession and re-inspected at our premises. If the return condition of the Vehicle is not the same as supplied, the Vehicle will remain on hire until such time as we receive a satisfactory settlement from your insurance company.
You must insure it to its full value, against loss or damage (including windscreen damage) by accident, fire or theft, under a comprehensive insurance policy with a reputable insurance company. You must supply us with full details of the insurance cover upon request and you must tell the insurance company to note our interest on the policy. If you do not insure the Vehicle comprehensively, and we suffer loss as a result, you must compensate us for that loss. If for any reason the amount which we receive from the insurance company is less than the loss we suffer you must pay the difference.
You must not use or permit the vehicle to be used in breach of the insurance policy. If any money is paid out under the policy which relates to the Vehicle then you must ensure that the money is paid direct to us.
You hereby authorize your insurer to communicate directly with us and give us any information we require in respect of validating insurance cover on the Vehicle. You also authorize us to take over any claim which you may have which relates to the Vehicle, and to negotiate and settle that directly with your insurer. If the insurance details alter in anyway, we must be notified immediately.